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Vue 3 Reactivity - Proxy and Reflect

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    Jack Fan

Proxy and Reflect

Our current code

let product = { price: 5, quantity: 2 }
let total = 0
let effect = () => (total = product.price * product.quantity)

track(product, 'quantity')

product.quantity = 3
trigger(product, 'quantity')

目前仍然在调用 track 和 trigger 来记录保存我们的 effect,并且调用它。我们希望它会自动调用 track 和 trigger。

我们在运行 effect 的时候,如果访问了 product 的 properties,或者说是用了GET,那正是我们想调用track去保存 effect 的时候。

当 product 的 properties 改变,或者说是用了SET,则调用trigger

// When running an effect if product properties ara accessed (GET)
// then call
track(product, property) // ---> to save this effect
// If product properties are changed (SET)
// then call
trigger(product, property) // ---> to run saved effects

问题来到了,如何拦截 SET 和 GET,Vue2 采用 ES5 Object.defineProperty(), Vue3 中使用 ES6 的 Reflect 和 Proxy。

How to intercept GET&SET?

Understanding ES6 Reflect

let product = { price: 5, quantity: 2 }


// Three ways to print out a property on an object
console.log('quantity is ' + product.quantity) // Dot notation
console.log('quantity is ' + product['quantity']) // Bracket notation
console.log('quantity is ' + Reflect.get(product, 'quantity'))
// All three are valid, but Reflect has a super power you'll see in a minute

三种都可以,但是 Reflect 拥有一种特殊能力,在这之前先理解Proxy

Understanding ES6 Proxy

Proxy 是另一个对象的占位符,默认情况下对该对象进行委托。(a placeholder for another object which by default delegates to that object)

let product = { price: 5, quantity: 2 }

let proxiedProduct = new Proxy(product, {})

console.log(proxiedProduct.quantity) // proxiedProduct -> product -> proxiedProduct -> console.log
// 2

现在声明一个 proxy,当我们调用 proxiedProduct.quantity 时,他会先调用 Proxy(proxiedProduct),再调用 product,再返回到 Proxy(proxiedProduct),再返回这个 product 到 console 然后输出。

Using a Proxy get trap

声明 Proxy 的时候,第二个参数称为handler,再 handler 里可以传递一个trap,它可以让我们拦截一些基本操作,例如属性查找、枚举、函数调用(Property lookup、Enumeration、Function invocation)。

proxiedProduct = new Proxy(product, {
  get() {
    console.log('Get was called')
    return 'Not the value'


现在调用 proxiedProduct.quantity,他会先打印,Get was called,然后返回 Not the value,再打印。现在修改一下。

Intercepting GET using ES Proxy

proxiedProduct = new Proxy(product, {
  get(target, key) {
    console.log('Get was called with key = ' + key)
    return target[key]

// In this case, the target is our product, which we send as the first parameters.
// And the key is quantity

在这里,当我们调用 proxiedProduct.quantity 时,传递到 proxiedProduct 的 get,第一个参数 target 即为 product,我们把 product 在声明 Proxy 的时候作为第一个参数传入,第二个参数则为 quantity。

输出 Get was called with key = quantity 和 2。这里 Reflect 就来了。

Using Proxy with Reflect

proxiedProduct = new Proxy(product, {
  get(target, key, receiver) {
    console.log('Get was called with key = ' + key)
    return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)

这里我们给多一个参数 receiver 给 get,同时把它传递给 Reflect。它保证了当我们的对象有继承自其他对象的值或函数时,this 可以正确的执行使用(的对象)。(Ensures the proper value of this is used when our object has inherited values or functions from another object)打印的结果和以前相同。

Now with a Setter Method

现在拦截 set。

proxiedProduct = new Proxy(product, {
  get(target, key, receiver) {
    console.log('Get was called with key = ' + key)
    return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)
  set(target, key, value, receiver) {
    console.log('Set was called with key = ' + key + ' and value = ' + value)
    return Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver)
proxiedProduct.quantity = 4
Set was called with key = quantity and value = 4
Get was called with key = quantity

Encapsulated like Vue3

现在封装这段 get 和 set 使它变得更新 Vue 3 的源代码

function reactive(target) {
  const handler = {
    get(target, key, receiver) {
      console.log('Get was called with key = ' + key)
      return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)
    set(target, key, value, receiver) {
      console.log('Set was called with key = ' + key + ' and value = ' + value)
      return Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver)
  return new Proxy(target, handler)

product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
proxiedProduct.quantity = 4

取名 reactive,就像 Composition API 一样。

Back to our current code

记得开头,为了调用 track,我们需要一些方法监听 GET 请求,调用 trigger,需要监听 SET 请求。现在来看我们应该分把他们放到 reactive 函数的哪个位置。

function reactive(target) {
  const handler = {
    get(target, key, receiver) {
      let result = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)
      track(target, key)
      return result
    set(target, key, value, receiver) {
      let oldValue = target[key]
      let result = Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver)
      if (!oldValue != result) trigger(target, key)
      return result
  return new Proxy(target, handler)

let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })

Removing track and trigger

let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let total = 0
let effect = () => (total = product.price * product.quantity)

track(product, 'quantity')

product.quantity = 3
trigger(product, 'quantity')

我们不再需要调用 track 和 trigger 了。删掉

let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let total = 0
let effect = () => (total = product.price * product.quantity)


product.quantity = 3

Now with Reactivity



let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let total = 0
let effect = () => (total = product.price * product.quantity)

effect 里,当我们试图得到价格(product.price)时候,运行

track(product, 'price')

而此时,在 targetMap 里,它会为 product 创建一个新的映射。其值是一个新的 depsMap,这将映射价格属性到一个新的 dep,而这个 dep 就是 effects 集(Set),把我们所有 effects 添加到集(Set)中。

试图得到 product.quantity 时候,运行

track(product, 'quantity')

这时他会访问 targetMap 里的 product,找到其 depsMap 建一个新的值 quantity,并映射到一个新的 dep 中。



输出 total(10)到控制台。


product.quantity = 3


trigger(product, 'quantity')

然后运行储存了的 effect。更新了 total

此时 total 成了 15

// All code
const targetMap = new WeakMap() // For storing the dependencies for each reactive object

function track(target, key) {
  // Add the code
  let depsMap = targetMap.get(target) // Get the current depsMap for this target(reactive object)
  if (!depsMap) targetMap.set(target, (depsMap = new Map())) // If it doesn't exist, create it(product)

  let dep = depsMap.get(key) // Get the dependency object for this property (quantity)
  if (!dep) depsMap.set(key, (dep = new Set())) // If it doesn't exist, create it
  dep.add(effect) // Add the effect to the dependency

function trigger(target, key) {
  // Run again all the code.
  const depsMap = targetMap.get(target) // Does the object have any properties that have dependencies?
  if (!depsMap) return // If no, return from the function immediately
  let dep = depsMap.get(key) // Otherwise, check if this property has a dependency.
  if (dep) dep.forEach((effect) => effect()) // Run those
function reactive(target) {
  const handler = {
    get(target, key, receiver) {
      let result = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver)
      track(target, key)
      return result
    set(target, key, value, receiver) {
      let oldValue = target[key]
      let result = Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver)
      if (!oldValue != result) trigger(target, key)
      return result
  return new Proxy(target, handler)

let product = reactive({ price: 5, quantity: 2 })
let total = 0
let effect = () => (total = product.price * product.quantity)


product.quantity = 3


Vue 3 Reactivity - Vue 3 Reactivity | Vue Mastery